www.puturestiti.com Review:



PURE | Putu Restiti - Disabilitas dan Pandangan Masyarakat yang miring kepada sebagian kaum atau penyandang Disabilitas adalah permsalahan yang harus dipecahkan bersama

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City: -96.8705 Texas, United States

  • Vincent & Karla Vecchiotti - ... product (Nero Video) is nothing more than bug ridden garbage with the manufacturer claiming functionality that

    This product (Nero Video) is nothing more than bug ridden garbage with the manufacturer claiming functionality that, in fact it can't perform. I've been using Nero since Nero 7 and enjoy making completely custom menus with my own photos as the background, custom text buttons, and adding CUSTOM MENU MUSIC to each menu. This feature worked great up to their initial release of Nero 12. Then they pushed out updates that updated the entire core Nero components and replaced KwikMedia with NeroMediaHome. As soon as they did that menu music stopped working completely. In order to get the menu music to work I had to uninstall Nero 12, perform a registry clean and delete all of the Nero folders including folder in the C:\program files and C:\user\applications and other locations on my C; drive. After re-installing Nero 12 NEVER EVER install ANY updates! That is the ONLY way you can get menu music to work.

  • E. Joseph Anna - Good News for this Bible

    Who can say anything bad about the Bible? It has a modern easy to understand text and lots of foot notes. Easy to move around, mark passages and bookmarks. I would highly recommend it for private reading or as part of a Bible study.

  • Johnny L. Therrell - Software Patch

    If this switch panel is used with X-Plane Flight Simulator it is necessary to download a patch from X-Plane.org in order to have the driver that works with that simulator.