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City: -80.9153 North Carolina, United States

  • Marcelo - Excellent equipment, but doubts about upgrading

    As a previous owner of Edge 810, I found Garmin Edge 820 a good upgrade in screen resolution, internal memory capacity (although lost capacity for external memory card) and some software improvements. Sadly we lost capacity for multiple bike selection: as I haver more than one bike, that was ver useful for me. As a conclusion, I could say Edge 820 is excellent, but I'm not sure if it's worthy upgrading from 810.

  • Cindy Kline - NOT HAPPY

    GOT IT, SENT IT BACK SAME DAY, went with the Contour HD for 30 bucks more.. best money ever spent on Contour...

  • Lauren Alarie - excited for the new me!

    I recently received this scar remover cream in hopes of diminishing the appearance of a scar on my face that occurred when I had surgery to remove a cyst just below my eye which developed due to getting hit by a ball as a teenager. I have read other peoples reviews and the majority of reviewers have nothing but good things to say about this product and the brand in general for which they have several products in their line. So far so good. I think this product is better than scar removal/ scar diminishing products I have used in the past. I'm not going to say anything bad about those other brands or even mention the name because I feel that would be unethical of me. I already notice a difference on my dark spots from acne, now i will have to continue use and wait it out to see results on this deep gnarly scar from bad surgery. I mean that is typical to have to use the product longer on heavier scars. I have faith. I will keep everyone updated!

  • Scott Pooler - Dr. gave me bad news.... said I was on the road to Liver Failure

    It was a very somber day.... driving home with the diagnosis from my doctor that my liver was on it's way to failure...


    I only wish I had seen these reviews before buying and using this product! If it is indeed cold and snow that causes this product failure, it shouldn't be sold in cold weather states. I don't know what we will do with the mess that is our deck. It is looking worse by the day. I have contacted Rustoleum, but I don't imagine that they have a solution. Of course, we don't have our receipts. This cost lots more than stain, and was way more work. DON'T BUY IT FOR WOOD IN A NORTHERN CLIMATE!

  • Jules - It works!! Powerful product for severely damaged hair

    THIS SAVED MY HAIR. I cannot recommend highly enough. I have highlights and coarse, thick wavy hair. After my last highlight job my hair was brittle and breaking off. I was desperate and bought multiple products, from Joico's K Pak to Kerastase to various protein treatments and oils. I spent a ton of money looking for results, but nothing came close to this product. It is VERY powerful and yes, it does smell awful, but the end results are literally hair-saving. If you need extreme repair, get this and carefully follow the directions. I am so happy I finally found this product.

  • HoiPolloi - Mystery usage, unexpected charges, not worth the hassle

    This product sounded like a great deal: Buy an inexpensive device, get free internet. But the TWO times I have turned it on, for a very short period, my entire bandwidth was almost immediately consumed. I had not downloaded large emails or streamed video or done anything else that was data heavy, but somehow my data showed at its limit, and I was a few KB from the very steep overage charge rate. Then, my credit card was being charged $1 every month, to my surprise, whether I used the service or not. On top of everything, I bought the device having read that it was a "deposit" and that I could return it any time. They seem to have changed those rules on their users mid-stream, though, as it apparently cannot be returned after a relatively short period of time.