www.express-urgentcare.com Review:



Express Urgent Care Clinic - Blaine, MN | Ranked #1 Urgent Care in MNExpress Urgentcare - Express Urgent Care is a walk-in clinic located in Blaine, MN. We treat most everything you go to a doctor or ER for at less cost and same day convenience.

Country:, North America, US

City: -95.4739 Texas, United States

  • Kindle Customer - Tricky

    Took a while to work out where it was going,but it pulled together and made for an interesting story.All I ask from a book.

  • A. Contreras - paying for a free pokemon?

    9.50 PLUS shipping to have a Free code emailed to me???? Way too much. Just join some Pokemon groups on Fb and get them for free.

  • Stephany Vince - my daughter loves paw patrol, and this puzzle, ...

    my daughter loves paw patrol, and this puzzle, but the pieces do not stay together AT ALL. very frustrating for all of us.

  • Terry A. - Stress Reliever between the covers

    My wife and I traveled from Arkansas to California along I-40 and back again. This book was extremely helpful in finding the places we needed to find well in advance of reaching their exit. At no time did we have to worry about finding the next rest area, gas station, restaurant, or motel. The Next EXIT took a lot of the stress of traveling cross country off so we could enjoy the ride. I highly recommend this book to anyone planning virtually any kind of trip.