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  • D Stanley - Thumbs Down

    First time I have ever felt compelled to write a review. So frustrated with Roxio Creator 2012 I want to scream. Simply not user friendly. The free Windows Movie Maker blows the doors off this product and that is a simple free dumbed down video program. Most of the applications I have used so far within Roxio are difficult to use and I am an advanced PC User.

  • Marshall Wood - A Friend of Medjugorje Fires a Shot and Hits a Bullseye in My Spirit

    Shifted my own paradigm for how I view the world. Was dramatic enough to cause an immediate reordering of my life circumstances and to proceeding with the publishing of my own lengthy manuscript. The basic and most essential ideas in my work were ratified by this much better-written and more articulate volume: the most important and timely treatise to come along in a long time. Ironically, it is by an author(s) with a pseudonym that would not likely attract many Baptists (like me) to it. From my own extensive military and professional background with numerous past and present direct connections to the top levels of government and industry, I recognized devastating truth in the pages of what is now the second most influential book I've ever read. It should be digested by anyone who sincerely claims to understand the essential value of faith, family and free enterprise to our own American culture, as well as to any that have ever existed or which might yet exist in the future. It is very much a niche publication in that only a relatively few people with a specific background will understand the magnitude of what is being said, yet it is a work to which a very broad spectrum of the population should have an exposure - at least one particular assertion made between pages 390 and 400. Be careful if you do read this effort by a most mysterious author. He (or she or they) had the resources and incredible intellect to assemble and then wisely interpret events that had only happened in the very recent past. That is a clue to how important someone thought this information to be. This lengthy book rocked my world. M. Wood