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  • Lynn - Fun watch and much more!

    My 7-year-old granddaughter loves this watch and uses every feature. She has taken photos and videos, recorded her voice and even does a daily video diary - a one-minute account of the highlights of her day. The watch has some games and also tracks her steps. She is very proud of the thousands of steps she takes (a good indication she is very active!). Her teacher knows she is a responsible child, so she is allowed to wear it in school with the volume off -- and turned up just a bit at recess. As a bonus, it tells time! I would definitely recommend the watch for kids around this age group.

  • LD ODOM - Excellent on glass and is a window tint safe product.

    A superior product; though when using it make sure NOT to use ANY fabric softener on your cleaning rags or towels. Fabric Softener has both oil and wax in it depending on whether you're using liquid and/or dryer sheets.