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  • Courtney Morris - Really works but at a cost

    These capsules work--after a few days I had dropped pounds. However, like many others have said, it's to the expense of your health. I feel jittery all day after taking them and they definitely aren't easy on the stomach. I found as long as I took all four pills before 3:00, I had no problem falling asleep. I can't keep my hands from shaking after taking them either, which is a little frightening. However, like I said, they do what they're supposed to do, which is encourage rapid weight loss, so I guess you have to decide if it's worth all the jitters to you.

  • Jody McDaniel - and have excellent polarization. I've been very impressed and will use ...

    The lenses were clear, optically correct, and have excellent polarization. I've been very impressed and will use Ikon again.

  • Heidi - It works

    It's a little perfume-y for those of you with sensitivities to scents. I have allergies to certain scents but this doesn't bother me. I liken it to a fabreeze, very strong but after a day or so you can't smell it anymore. I've hosed down and blotted this on quite a bit of upholstery and it doesn't leave marks or discoloration and the kitties don't mark or re-mark (which is the main point right?!?). I've used a similar product (odor-mute) which is also great but as it's a powder it's a little more messy. This liquid is nice, just pour and go.