

Sareli Marketing Inc. - Online marketing experts - Sareli Marketing is a Global Internet Marketing Company specializing in SEO, PPC, Social Media, Web Design, Email Marketing, and Affiliate Marketing.

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  • Carla A. Cooper - Love it!

    I bought this item after a recommendation from a tennis pro who has chronic lower back pain after years of pounding on the hard courts. I was diagnosed with sciatica and periformis syndrome. I suspect that too much tennis caused these issues for me. I began to suffer from lower back spasms, point pain in my hips, and bursitis. After 2 months of physical therapy and chiropractic care, it actually got worse. I decided to try it just for the back spasms. After the first 5 minutes on the machine I was regretting buying it and not looking forward to the process of sending it back for a refund. But I gave it a chance. After 2 or 3 sessions, I began to feel the tenseness in my lower back releasing. I've been using it every day for about a month and I definitely feel the difference in my mobility and the spasms and sciatica are also greatly improved.

  • Statman - Pleasant and Enjoyable

    Well, it's Crosby, Stills, & Nash. It's tempting to give this an extra star just for keeping on, keeping on. However, there's nothing here that sounds nearly as good, or as fresh, as these guys in their prime. The new songs are nice, but mostly forgetable. Crosby's and Nash's voices still sound good, but have definitely aged, while Stills' voice is personable, but muted. The backing band is every bit as professional as might be expected. Stills' finds some room for very expressive guitar work, but certainly not as often as for his solo performances. I prefer this to the choppy, but likeable, Deja Vu Live, but certainly not to any of their live performances from the 70s & 80s, or to Stills' Live at Shepherd's Bush. But CSN fans should find plenty to enjoy here. Great to have CDs and DVD together. (This review is not for Blu-Ray, which I think is great technology, but excessively expensive for digital video.)