Review: - This is a Value Report about, Giving it a value upwards of $46315 USD by our system, Comprehensive reference data Include:Alexa Rank, Google Rank, Search Engine and Social Media.

Country:, North America, US

City: -77.4512 Virginia, United States

  • Charlie - but I just thought you would like to know if you are considering buying it

    The Federal Trade Commission filed suit against the company that makes this product, claiming they falsely claimed benefits and presented a false medical authority to endorse it. The company settled for 1.5 million dollars. This information comes from an email directly from the FTC (on October 5, 2016) with the subject heading, "Marketers of Joint Pain Supplement Agree to Settle FTC Charges of Deceptive Advertising, Endorsements." I have not tried the product, but I just thought you would like to know if you are considering buying it. I gave it a three stars because I am so amused and impressed at the audacity to produce something and lie about it so severely that the FTC actually got involved.

  • tommerjc - Gaiam Premium Yoga Mat

    I do hot yoga 3-4 times a week (hatha & power). This mat works great! It does not move around. I also bought the gaiam yoga towel because of the heat. I do not slip at all when I use both of these. If you do hot yoga you should be using a towel on your mat anyway. This is the best mat for the price and its thicker. I will order another to keep in my car for spur of the moment classes.

  • rooksies5 - Kids are loving it!

    I have three kids and we have to keep track of whose day it is to "build". They are enjoying this advent calendar so much. Some days we have had extra pieces, so I was expecting the possibility of having some missing pieces on other days. That hasn't happened. I have had to help with a couple of the items, since my children couldn't figure out what to do based on the picture. Separate directions might make this easier. Overall, I wish I had bought more than one, would have made my mornings easier!

  • Steven Alford - Peachtree at an excellent price

    If you do not need the latest features, buying this year's version rather than next years is an excellent value. In my opinion, it is hard to go wrong with this approach.

  • Wildfower - Nice game with very little instructions

    I have played through the game and it is fun but I have a few complaints. There are no instructions on game play in the manual and you learn while playing and reading the instructions. The instructions are hard to read and are gone before I have time to finish reading them and I am an adult. I'm sure children 10 and above would have a difficult time reading them. Then you are expected to do what was written and with no instruction manual and no way to repeat the written instructions then what is it you are to do is hard to figure out. You can with a little practice get the hang of it though. The chore of picking up brick and studs gets in the way of the game play because you need so many of them to build anything or buy anything the the game play seem to be stalled at times.

  • Molly F. - Great tool and makes practice fun!

    I don't play this personally, but it was a gift for my boyfriend, so I've seen him play it many, many times.