quenholokat1975.asso-web.com Review:



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Country:, Europe, FR

City: 2.3387 , France

  • Ayjude - Hard time to install with XP

    McAfee has been my security choice for years. However last year (2013) and now this year it has been difficult to install on my system running XP. Actually caused a crash. Tells me I need updates that I can't get and takes a long time to do this. Ended up putting the free Windows Essentials on two systems. I will try the McAfee on the third, but fell I'l have the same results.

  • Juan Daniel - I love this game.. more than I've expected

    I'm disagree with the bad rewiews of this item because to me It's amazing! Some modes are classic of this game like road to fifa world cup. I love it because It's difficult and It brings a exciting experience of living all the qualifying round woth your country.. The menus are very creative and the scenes with the people arround is a good innovation.I agree with that some scenes could not skip for merit to the developers of this game. And the physics of the ball is great.