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  • kps27 - Too soon to tell...

    ... but I used this on my aluminum gutters and they look a little better. I understand it can take months to really work so the jury is still out. I just doused an old wooden birdhouse too. Hopefully it will work as advertised and at least slow down the forming of new mildew. If so, I will order again and use it more extensively.

  • Amazon Customer - DE seems to work for me

    I've been taking 2 heaping tablespoons a day for 2 months, 1 in the AM and 1 in the PM. The immediate effect I noticed was a reduction in acid reflux which I experienced on a regular basis. I was taking Zantac to combat this which was very effective in my case but since using DE I have not had to do this. I also experienced itchy skin, especially at night after I went to bed, mostly my lower legs, ankles and feet and it drove me crazy. I tried various lotions and Aveno Eczema lotion worked the best. Now within the last few weeks the itching has almost gone away and I have not had to use any lotion at all. I am beginning to become a believer in the stuff. For the indigestion it was almost immediate. For the itchy skin it took about 6 weeks. So give it time.