oxiane.lu Review:



centre de formation continue au luxembourg - OXiane Luxembourg, le spécialiste de la formation et du coaching au Luxembourg, des sessions publiques et beaucoup de sur mesure dans tous les domaines IT et Utilisateurs

Country:, Europe, FR

City: 2.3387 , France

  • City Computer - Outstanding Value and Quality Display

    This is by far the nicest desktop monitor I have owned. Everything about it is high quality, especially given the price. It's not truly "bezel-less" but as far as quality of image and quality of design it's excellent.

  • Derrick Foster - Very good bass

    I have been using this product for a couple of weeks now. I wanted to wait to see if I liked it. Boy do I. I liked it so much; I'm going to buy a pair for my brothers birthday coming up.

  • Vernon A. Miller - Functions well BUT the look is not really to my liking

    I have been using Office 2007 on my personal system (XP) and we use Office 2010 at work. I recently moved to Windows 7 on my personal PC and decided to go to Office 2013 at the same time.