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City: -6.2595 Leinster, Ireland

  • Cedarglen - Bathroom and Shower Use Only; Not Great in the Kitchen

    If only for the price consideration, I'm glad that I bought the one gallon size. In my application I use KK mostly in shower stalls. A small bowel of the stuff, a wide, semi-soft scrub brush on a CORDLESS drill motor works well. Follow with a seriously thorough rinse and application of a wetting agent. Most maintenance can be eliminated if the wetting agent is used - Every Time. That said...

  • Amazon Customer - Worth the $$ and 25 minutes a day!

    I tried the Insanity program last Summer and because I was pretty out of shape I found it to be very difficult. Somehow I ended up making it half way through, but then after sustaining an unrelated injury I had to take a break. Fast forward 12 months and about 8 additional pounds, I REALLY needed to do something. I wanted a program that was not as daunting as Insanity. I loved Shaun T so, I ordered this program and started it 1 1/2 weeks ago. The 1st week I loosely followed the 5 Day Fast Track eating plan and ended up losing 3 lbs and 6 inches overall. So far this week I am down another 1.6 lbs. I find the workouts challenging, but not impossible. I have modified my eating habits. Protein shake in the morning, followed by healthy lunch and dinner and two snacks. I have eliminated all junk food and try to satisfy my sweet tooth by eating fresh fruit. Also, I have started a whole new relationship with water. I drink 80 ounces a day. Hope my review helps you decide if this program is right for you.

  • Bravo Zulu 1775 - Nice but Overpriced!

    This version offers some great improvements over Office 2007: Customizable ribbons and the File tab instead of the MS Button (which confused everyone), combined with improved graphics and font options are fantastic!! Office 2010 combines the best of older versions (2003, etc.) with the best of 2007. It would be a real winner except . . . .