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  • http://ygoy.com/2012/10/09/effects-of-crack/ Effects of Crack | Health Risks of Crack - Ygoy - Crack is a drug which is used by burning it and snuffing the smoke that come out of it. Ygoy will explain the long term and short term effects of crack.

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  • mark simon - Grammy nominees takes too long to be made available

    It takes too much time to make available the grammy nominee cd. It should be ready to go as soon as possible after the nominations.

  • Bubba Lay - A video game you won't be embarrassed to share during conversations.

    Love the game. One of the best ways to learn guitar. Not saying that you'll become a professional of music theory, but definitely awesome to keep you going. One thing I did find awkward is that it starts you off very very simple mode, which the songs in the end aren't as simple at all. Just remember that it's all about practice. Other tools, I use daily is Yousician and justinguitar.com. I spend at least 1hour between all 3. It's all about being consistent with practice like everyone says. Ever since actually putting in the effort, I started with 15-30 mins a day, I'm able to hit notes faster, read notes, and hear the differences in the sounds. Not great at it yet, but it's coming along. So definitely, if you want to play a game get this game because, you can show off your skills when you're out with friends instead of telling them about your other games.

  • King Richard - Disappointed

    I have been a PS subscriber for decades. I am disappointed that this is an add on for PS. I subscribe to other magazines that simply offer an electronic version at no additional cost. Most of the time I would prefer to read the paper version however the ability to access a current issue when I am away would be desireable. I really grow weary of another attempt to squeeze yet another nickel, or in this case $1.99, out of folks while not producing anything new.

  • The Saylors - This game is incomplete.

    Ok here we go. First off this is my first delve into the xcom series but i have played through it to completion so its time to review. Let me also say that i bought this as a digital download on xbox one but i prefer to do my reviews here. I am no scrub when it comes to strategy games (long time rts player) and have been gunning people down on xbox since the beginning. At first xcom pissed me off, the difficulty level is very high even on lower settings at least in the first half of the game. If you make it past the halfway mark you will likely have an easier time towards the end but until then be ready to do a few restarts. The turn based game play, though not anything new, was a refreshing break from the normal day of fps and rts. The player models (when static) look pretty good and i liked that the characters appearances were randomly generated. Also the world map starting location and seemingly the non essential mission maps were also randomized making no play through the same. The story as a whole is kinda bland and there isn't any prologue to catch up players that didn't play the prior games leaving me feeling lost and without a purpose other than "try not to die". So if all was well at this point i would have given this game 4 stars, but then we get to the bugs. This game is beyond riddled with bugs both on the visuals side and on the game play side. The cut scenes featuring the random generated characters has a frame rate of half or less than the story cut scenes making everything feel very choppy and sometimes i would see incomplete loading of finishing textures making it look terrible. Some of the story cut scenes would have out of sinc sound to what was happening on screen, very annoying. I can get past a hand full of visual bugs but these were literally every few seconds making it kinda unforgivable. There are a few game play bugs like telling a character to move to cover and they get to within one block and just stop out in the open for the turn often getting himself shot. The enemies will sometime get stuck and fall through the map or just disappear, killing them. Objectives not being able to be shot even though you are standing on the objective just because the game thinks you haven't "sighted" it. There are a quite a few more to the point were i could write a book about it. The short of it is that this game had a TON of potential but needed another year or two of bug testing before release. I had the game crash while trying to load a mission 3 times during the campaign, luckily the auto save system works but its still a pain as the loading screens are VERY long. The final nail in the coffin was the final cut scene and up until this point i was at 3 stars for the game... i played the final mission, which is quite long, to arrive at the ending cut scene. The ending cut scene for games is very important, its the culmination of all your efforts being payed off with a completed story and some nice visuals...... Then the ending cut scene played with no sound, ZERO. Dead silence. i was so mad that i threw down my controller and went outside to smoke. I was furious. I still have no idea what the ending was about and i wont bother looking it up. This is the first time that i have seriously contemplated trying to get my money back on a game, games are art and therefore are not guaranteed to please you but they SHOULD AT LEAST BE COMPLETE!!! I payed $60 for 80% of a game when you take all the bugs and issues into account. The person that decided to push this game out the doors in this state has ruined it. Another year or two and you could have been golden! Now this just feels like a money grab.