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These gummies are SO good, almost too good because when I get desperate for something sweet I sometimes give them a second look, haha. I'm, mostly, kidding. I also love the dual attack strategy. I will do anything to stop my thinning, weak, damaged hair. I was able to purchase these for a discount in exchange for an honest review and figured I didn't have anything to lose. I have been taking them for three weeks now and I am really seeing a huge improvement in my nails. Like crazy improvement... longer (so much longer) stronger (hence the longer.. no breakage!) and not weak or peely (yes, that's a thing) My hair is possibly growing faster, but really its too soon to tell. However if it does to my hair what's happening with my nails I'll be a happy girl. I mean my nails look good, almost fake good. They are thicker, better colored, and really strong (even after a whole day at the beach) I can't wait to see how my hair looks in a couple months!!
I purchased this book to help with my 2014 Income Tax. Unfortunately it did not prove useful during the filing of my taxes. This book has great detail for tax planning and examples for someone that has a much more complicated tax situation than I had for 2013. My situation was regular taxes with a Schedule's A, B, and D. This book has a great deal of detail for Schedule K, Schedule C, and other complex tax situations that I would normally have a regular tax person handle. There was very little detail in this book to support Schedule's A, B, and, D that was not in the IRS instructions for those forms.
I have tried one other cheese alternative when we first went dairy free. Plain awful. This stuff is actually good. I used the Mozzarella style to make pesto, tasted like pesto. I also used the Cheddar style to top baked potatoes, it tasted wonderful. Really! No after-taste, melted pretty well too. I was surprised. After my first experience with vegan cheese, I went months before finally giving this a chance. I plan to make nachos this weekend. We have been making our own meat substitute for tacos and such. There is just no good way to make nachos with out cheese though, the "meat" wont stick to the chips without the help of cheese. Finally we can have nachos again. I plan to use this sparingly, just enough to make the "meat" stick on the chips, or as a tasty topping to a baked potato. I may even try to make broccoli cheese soup!
I spent 20 minutes reviewIng and practicing the installation video and carefully followed the instructions. It seemed a pretty smart way to put on the protector until I realized too late this was designed by some Phd. attempting to make it foolproof. The protector misaligned slightly and carefully pulled it up no problem but the 2nd plastic cover came off with a very light touch while the protector was starting to cling to the phone. By that time I had collected too much dust and it was all going downhill very fast. I was left with a crappy installation but decided to use the other one for my wife's new phone. I did not use the method the seller suggested.