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Chicago Dermatologist - Skin Care Products | Dermatology + Aesthetics - Drs. Keren and Meyer Horn and Dr. Neha Robinson founded this practice to provide dermatologic care to their neighborhood and community.

  • http://www.wickerparkderm.com/about-us/ About Us | Dermatology + Aesthetics - Cosmetic and Medical Dermatologists in Wicker Park and Bucktown neighborhoods of Chicago.

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    City: -122.0574 California, United States

  • Delora - ... was looking for a natural way of controlling a bad flea problem

    I was looking for a natural way of controlling a bad flea problem. This stuff does a good job of killing the fleas. I use it weekly during flea season.

  • Zitschy - Good for light worn

    Some what difficult to attach guard to device. Light weight and functional if you do not have a lot to do. Serves my purpose I guess with no worry about gasoline or electric cords. It was difficult to keep on. I am more patient than most. Make sure you have it fully charged before using. Ran for almost an hour on full charge then wouldn't work. Took me a few minutes to realize it needed recharging.

  • M. N. Reynoso - Elton at His Best!

    This is one of my favorite Elton John songs of all time! I honestly can't remember who I was listening to on my Iphone when it occurred to that Elton did it better and did it first.

  • Richard B. - Don't waste your money

    So my wife ran across this at home depot on sale for $70. I quickly checked Amazon and found it for much more so we went ahead and purchased it yesterday... and returned it today. Although a cool idea and a few of the "videos" we're cool, the projector itself is as cheap as they come. You can spent about the same money to purchase a "real" one that will do exactly the same thing at much higher quality. Don't be fooled by the advertising that this is made for decorations because although true that's all its good for for the same money as a real projector with a picture 10 times better. Also the included videos are very short and although a couple of them are okay they certainly aren't worth the extra price you're paying here. If you want to do something like this just buy a real projector and find or purchase the videos separately.