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TicSalut - Tecnologia, innovació i salut - TicSalut - La Fundació TicSalut és un organisme del Departament de Salut, que treballa per impulsar el desenvolupament i la utilització de les TIC i el treball en xarxa en l'àmbit de la salut, fa d’observatori de noves tendències, innovació i seguiment d'iniciatives emergents, i ofereix serveis de normalització i homologació de productes.
Country:, Europe, ES
City: -3.3146 Madrid, Spain
Miracle in a bottle? Well, after 2 days it seems like it, but we'll see what time will tell. Before reading this, realize that this car is almost 13 years old and I can't afford a $2,000 repair. If it were only a few years old I would probably break out my credit card and shell out the money to get it fixed properly.
This product makes me very sick: nausea, diarrhea, dehydration. I'm not sure what ingredient causes these symptoms in some people. I routinely take Wellesse liquid glucosamine with no problems but only use the Schiff tables when traveling. After 3 trips I finally figured out I was not experiencing food poisoning from eating on the road, but a direct correlation between taking these tablets and becoming very sick within hours.
We were so happy the keyless entry remote worked. It was not hard to program at all. Very pleased. Now we know where to get another if something happens to this one. We recommend this to anyone.
Just as fun as the last editions but I found the moves much more challenging. You can play with just the camera, the move controller or your phone. I have read that the phone app doesn't work so great and have only played with the camera.
I've been lightening my dark brown hair (level 5) for nearly a year. I unfortunately experienced a "chemical cut" about 5 months ago while bleaching with olaplex 1 (loads of breakage around the crown mainly on my fairly long,fine hair). Due to this breakage, I cut my hair into a chin length bob 😞. The olaplex wasn't the problem..... the cheap box highlight (loreal platinum) was - I was on an extended vacay and tried it in a pinch for regrowth).
WEBROOT is the best I have ever used, been using AVAST, AVG , payed and free version for the past 15 years, and before that Bit-Diffender was 2nd Best tried Avira, Norton, McAfee also , after taking off Avast payed version, I decided to give it a try , recommended by PC Magazine and C Net and not only it caught things that the other 2 didn't, it runs smoothly like no other, and it catches what the other top best didn't , if you get it ,which I highly recommend it and plan on staying with it. Download it from Amazon its half price than going to the site and you get 3 licenses, this is the best hands down, your computer does not slow down ,you forget its there and it wont miss anything all I have to say is O.M.G why didn't I try this before, Computer Geek 25 Years.
You'd think that for a wand that costs over a hundred smackers that it would have all the bells and whistles. The temperature is 410 with no other options. You don't need temperatures any where near that hot to curl most hair types so variable heat should have been included on this wand. It should also have a ready light indicator. It curls nicely, but I'd imagine any product with the same shape could do so.