www.quik.com.co Review:



Quik S.A.S - Quik S.A.S. - Quality is the key - En esta página se encuentra la información correspondiente a control de calidad externo de laboratorio clínico, capacitaciones, talleres, seminarios, conferencias y cursos para profesionales del Laboratorio Clínico, referentes a control de calidad, herramientas conceptuales y estadísticas para garantizar resultados médicamente útiles en el Laboratorio Clínico, incertidumbre de la medición y validación de métodos. Desde esta página, los visitantes pueden registrarse y descargar las memorias de cada uno de los eventos de capacitación descritos. Desde aquí, se puede accesar a las páginas web de las compañías representadas:Bio-Rad y Sarstedt.

Country:, North America, US

City: -95.4739 Texas, United States

  • John Hollingsworth - Best software development suite I have used

    I am not a professional programmer, but I write a lot of small programs in VB and C#. MS Visual Studio is easy to get started programming and helps you to manage each program as a project.

  • Carrie - Works great!

    Since having a baby I've become more conscious about the chemicals in my home. I've been switching to "green" cleaning products and came across Shaklee on a blog post.

  • Karren - Really works

    I have arthritis. Also I'm an artist who needs respite from sore hands and back. I cut up the small pads to put on my hands around the knuckles and get wonderful fast relief. I've tried the creams but forget some is on my hands and rub my eyes or scratch an itch...ouch! So salon pas fit my bill

  • Ken Stone - Runs Cool Fast Processor

    Runs Cool Fast Processor! now if only AMD would come out with Zen so we could have some competition to lower Intel's prices !

  • Dave K. - This might be helpfull for others, but didn't help me.

    Bought this looking for some answers to mitigate back pain. Didn't offer what I thought it would. This might help others however.

  • Michael R. Johnson - One of my favorite hair products I've used

    One of my favorite hair products I've used. I have medium-thick hair, and this is great for holding tall spikes, messy spikes, faux-hawks, comb-overs or any other way I do my hair (I change my hair a lot).