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    Country:, Europe, RU

    City: 30.2642 St.-Petersburg, Russia

  • Mark Twain - Terrible update version - but product support is even worse.

    Quickbooks told us that we HAD to upgrade from the 2014Pro version and it was nothing but problems - after several weeks of fighting with their completely useless "technical support", trying to get the product to install and register but they kept blaming everything but Quickbooks. So we ended up buying a new dedicated computer for Quickbooks, then we bought a new switch, router and modem - basically upgraded our entire network (mind you it still wouldn't work properly even when the network was bypassed and the PC was connected directly to the internet, but they insisted) all to no avail. Finally I ignored them and downloaded the installation files manually instead of using their downloader and got it to install and register. The problem is that this new version has to continuously be connected to the Quickbook servers or it crashes with various error messages - even when the program is just sitting open on your desktop doing nothing.

  • Karim B. - Really helps, no errors detected

    Really helped me prepare for the GRE, especially with math and vocab. Half of the vocab lists appeared on the test as well as all types of questions described in book. The verbal section had too many vocab terms, so the prefix/suffix section also really helped. The DVD is just a silly instructional vid, nothing helpful. The online tests were great as well as the book version. No mobile app (as stated on book cover), I think they meant the website can be accessed on mobile device.

  • Rachel Garrett - The product description is false, contains Premium features

    Visio Professional does not include the "Processes" tab that allows you to easily create subprocesses. It does not allow you to import/export SharePoint Designer workflows. There are probably other big honking errors in this product review.

  • J Jones - Very nice

    The first hood they sent was defective. I immediately contacted Amazon for a replacement and with Prime had the new hood in two days. Great Job Amazon. It is pretty and the pull of the fan is excellent. The only thing that I am dissapinted in is the clock. I cannot figure out how to set the clock and the directions are generic over many products. So Im not using the clock. It is so small I can't see it from 5 feet away anyway. 4 stars because of the defective product.