www.petfans.net Review:



Petfans.net - the pet fans community network for all pet lovers who inspired to showcase their birds, cats, dogs. - Petfans.net - Where pet fans and animal lovers can enjoy watching funny pet photos and videos, proudly showcase their pets, including birds, cats, dogs, fish and reptiles.

Country:, North America, US

City: -77.3489 Virginia, United States

  • Christa Amari - It works for women, too!

    There aren’t many hair growth products out there that market to women, so I was very happy to see that this product offered directions for ladies as well. I followed the suggestion for women to dilute this half and half with water. After two months this has not only stopped me from losing more hair, but has actually produced new hair growth. I am impressed and very pleased with the progress this is helping me make against hair loss.

  • Rachel A. Adams - Worked so good

    I moved into a new place and the previous owner did not clean up after their pets accidents... saturated the areas that smelled and left to air dry and voila i dont smell it anymore! however its easy to go through the bottles quick so beware :)

  • Slimslowslider - Great With XP!

    I've noticed all the negative reviews for this product seem to be with users operating with Windows 7. I've been using this product for about 6 months now with Windows XP Pro and it works like a charm, very FAST and simple with a very intuitive interface. If your operating XP I would highly recommend it!

  • need2comment - There are great to travel with

    There are great to travel with; the packs aren't bulky and are easy to open. I put 1 pack in a small amount of water rather than a large amount of water so that I can drink it quicker.

  • Annette Biomdo - SOY Product.

    The product is FIiLLED with SOY. Women are NOT supposed to take Soy or Soy products. Especially with Cancer in their Family!!! I would like to return & get my money back. And the Product should State on the Ptiduct it is a SOY Product!!!

  • Pinkdiamond - Bad-ass debut!

    This book had everything I like in a romantic suspense thriller - sexual anticipation between two conflicting characters and a dark and alluring psychopath who is always one step ahead of a desperate investigation to find him. I will admit that I wasn't one-hundred percent in love with everything about the story, but majority of it had me reading well into the night.

  • K. Kerr - It Works!

    This product really does work and it looks great. We bought the Sicilian Sand granite paint for our countertops in our master bath, and we are very happy with it. It's very easy to use, but the splotching of the granite look by the user takes some getting used to. There is material included in the box that allows you to practice. I thought all the materials provided, from the rollers to the sponges, were great. I think other product users recommended higher quality rollers or brushes, which I think would be fine. To be honest, however, the product contents were great.