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MEMORY LOSS - FACTS AND FITNESS NEWS - Memory loss facts are edited and researched by a neuropsychologist to help you find the answers to your memory loss questions. We are eager to help you improve your memory health and life!

  • http://www.memory-loss-facts.com/brain-facts.html Brain Facts - A basic understanding of brain facts is essential for those caring for people with brain disorders.
  • http://www.memory-loss-facts.com/causes-of-memory-loss.html Causes of Memory Loss - Memory Defined - Causes of memory loss, types of memory and memory definitions are valuable to explore as we attempt to understand how we can improve our memory. Let's get started.
  • http://www.memory-loss-facts.com/Memorize.html Memorize Using Motion - Memorize using motion. The human brain easily absorbs information, stories, names and faces that easily catch its attention.
  • http://www.memory-loss-facts.com/memory-vitamins.html Memory Vitamins and Supplements - Memory fitness also involves good nutrition. What are the memory vitamins or supplements that are helpful in memory loss? So let’s find out…
  • http://www.memory-loss-facts.com/sleep-deprived.html Sleep Deprived - Effects on Memory - Sleep deprived people do not function well. People are sleeping less every year...
  • http://www.memory-loss-facts.com/PTSD-symptoms.html PTSD Symptoms and Memory Loss - PTSD symptoms</b> are a significant cause of memory loss. Most of us are very aware that trauma can cause us considerable anxiety. But...
  • http://www.memory-loss-facts.com/brain-injury.html Brain Injury and Diseases Causing Memory Loss - Brain injury or diseases and conditions that are associated with memory loss are a major foucs of treatmetn and research. Here we will present some of the most common diseases or conditions seen.
  • http://www.memory-loss-facts.com/brain-fitness.html Brain Fitness - While you probably already know something about brain fitness it doesn’t hurt to explore the reasons why memory fitness is important. So let’s get started…
  • http://www.memory-loss-facts.com/post-concussion-syndrome.html Post Concussion Syndrome - Post concussion syndrome is a form of traumatic brain injury that can cause suffering years after the head injury that caused the concussion.
  • http://www.memory-loss-facts.com/what-causes-headache.html What Causes Headache - What causes headache is a question that can only be addressed by first determining what type of headache is occurring. Headaches are common conditions ... read more
  • http://www.memory-loss-facts.com/dementia-overview.html Dementia Overview - A dementia overview or, rather, a comprehensive or general summary of this condition, explains that dementia is not in itself an explicit disease but rather a condition. Read on...
  • http://www.memory-loss-facts.com/early-onset-dementia.html Early Onset Dementia and Memory Drugs - Memory drugs hold out the hope of reducing the suffering of those with early onset dementia and their caregivers. Here we look at some of the medications for Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
  • http://www.memory-loss-facts.com/removing-communication-barriers.html Removing Communication Barriers - One of the keys to effective healthcare is removing communication barriers between the patient and the physician. Many people feel intimidated when they are involved in a conversation with ...
  • http://www.memory-loss-facts.com/caregiver-stress.html Caregiver Stress and Dementia Treatment - Caregiver Stress is associated with dementia treatment. Let’s discuss the important role of the caregiver in the treatment of the person with dementia and other forms of memory loss.
  • http://www.memory-loss-facts.com/brain-tests.html Brain Tests - Brain tests can give doctors and scientists a good and relatively precise idea of treatments that will help get the brain back up and running as usual.
  • http://www.memory-loss-facts.com/stress-reduction-techniques.html Stress Reduction Techniques - Many different stress reduction techniques are available to caregivers to help relieve some of the stress of caring for an ill family member. Read on...
  • http://www.memory-loss-facts.com/alcohol-dementia.html Alcohol Dementia - <p>Alcohol dementia is the most common form of substance-induced persisting dementia. Let's find outmore about this preventable form of memory loss.</p>
  • http://www.memory-loss-facts.com/Neuropsychologist.html Neuropsychologist - Welcome!?</p> <p>I’m Dr. M. Chris Wolf – clinical and neuropsychologist, author, and publisher of Memory-Loss-Facts.com.
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  • http://www.memory-loss-facts.com/memory-loss.html Contribute to Memory Loss - Would you like to share your knowledge about memory loss? Great, find out how you can submit your story or tip here.

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