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I ordered this carrier for my daughter who has been dealing with a group of feral cats. She has been transporting them to the vet for neutering and medical treatment. She has recently begun fostering several cats who need special care in her home. As a result she is in need of a sturdy carrier. These are cats who do not trust people and which are very hard to handle and to transport.
My review may be tainted by a bit of nostalgia. Over 20 years ago, I bought a DiamondBack Master TG. I rode it every sunny day I could. I got into a wreck, trued up the wheels, put a Scott DH bar with clamp-on shifters (the cables were a sight to behold) and kept riding it until it was stolen from me in college. I bought a Trek aluminum lug/carbon tube bike, but didn't ride it nearly as much. Sold it, bought a Trek 5500 and rode that bike even less. I saw this model on closeout, it was the last one available, and I thought, "It's in my size, what the heck." It was delivered quite quickly and I got to work on assembly.
I have had this stick vac for a year. At first I couldn't believe how great it was. I have two large dogs and it picked up dog hair with ease. I'd clean it out thoroughly every month or so because it would get jammed up with dog hair. Not a big deal since I used the thing every day and it was a pleasure not having to drag out the big Dyson Animal for every little thing.
It works alright.. not my favorite Fekkai shampoo, doesn't really lather up well but I just wanted to text it out. I prefer the moisturizing one or the protein rx reparative!
This software is nothing like DeLorme mapping but is so easy to learn and use - great for laying out a motor trip, etc. and its mileage computation is quite accurate and it does not use a lot of disk space for set up, etc. It takes some experience to make sure the route for a trip includes the intermediate spots you want and that it does not choose a few strange roads and intermediate places you do not want - experience will show you how to handle this situation - for example, if you tell it you want the "shortest" route you may be surprised about some of the roads chosen for parts of your trip.
I bought this at Home Depot. It is a complete waste of money, and time. It does not work as advertised. All the other reviews accurately depict how bad this stuff is. I would recommend that Amazon stop selling this product.
I think they will have to put something in it to kill and help keep Miss Muffets away. I sprayed my porch and with in days Miss wass back building her web. I won't buy this one again. I will say their wet and forget meldew works great, no more pressure washing the concret patio.