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Ben Hoffman - I don't like the fact that you always want me to purchase ...I don't like the fact that you always want me to purchase another item after each game. I would never let my child play it, as it could cost a lot of money.
Amazon Customer - I did not have it that full and wasn't heavy ...I did not have it that full and wasn't heavy and within 8 hours the Top Carry Strap Broke at the stitches!! and Shoulder straps stitchings are coming apart as well, They will break soon! I hope it's not full and on my back when it does. My first Maxcold Igloo lasted a long time and was hoping the same for this. But NOPE!!
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D. Burgess - Very disappointing!Like many gamers, I have waited more than ten years for this game. I fell in love with the original Diablo game the year of it's release and played it for countless hours! To this day I still have nostalgic Diablo 1 gaming sessions every once in awhile. Diablo II was one of the best game sequels I've ever played!