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Página web del Dr Jesús Porta-Etessam - Inicio - Página web del Dr Porta de información y formación de pacientes sobre las enfermedades neurológicas más frecuentes, su diagnóstico y tratamiento. Con recursos educativos y de formación y enlaces web.

  • http://www.drporta.com/docencia-y-recursos/recursos-de-interés/ Página web del Dr Jesús Porta-Etessam - Recursos de interés - Pagina del Dr Porta-Etessam donde los neurólogos, residentes, médicos y otros profesionales puede acceder para obtener recursos útiles para tratar y diagnosticar a los pacientes.
  • http://www.drporta.com/agenda-y-noticias/ Agenda y Noticias - Los datos de contacto de en Madrid, incluyendo teléfono y correo electrónico

    Country:, Europe, DE

    City: 9.491 , Germany

  • Mary - Interesting!

    This is a very interesting book. I had never heard of oil pulling. I have had wonderful results since I started. My teeth are whiter, my gums healthier. I have also noticed a calming in my GI tract. I can't wait to see what else it helps!


    I have never tried any type of drops as a form of a diet. However, I happened to find this while looking for some b-12 drops for energy. I read the reviews, some good-some bad. I decided what the heck, I've practically drank every type of protein shake there is, what's a few drops going to hurt. I have now come to the conclusion that this is the BEST INVESTMENT EVER!! I am soooo pleased with this product.

  • Amazon Customer - Not worth the money

    Very vitamin smelling to the point it makes husband sick to take. Did nothing for libido or energy eotget. Definitely not worth the money.

  • Amazon Customer - I like it

    Works good. Understand it's limitations tho. I mean, it's 70 bucks. Get it, try it, if you don't like it send it back or give it to someone for Xmas. I'm happy with mine

  • Hernany - there are still good reasons to buy this game

    If you already own FIFA 14 on PS3, there are still good reasons to buy this game. First of all, Jamaica had a monumental breakdown in the last stage of Qualifying and now I can rewrite the story. This game features 202 International teams (if Im not mistaken) which is the largest roster of countries assembled. The game lets you play the world cup in whatever length you wish. You can play the final game, the knockout tournament, the group stages/tourney, or the full campaign of 4 years of Qualifying eventually leading up to the finale. There is also a re-vamp to the single player story, which allows you to go from a relative nobody, (competing with teammates for a spot before the next cut), to captaining your country on the grand stage. I recommend this game because the last time I got to play with Jamaica in a game was World Cup 98 and it feels good to hoist the gold for your country, especially if you hail from one that usually gets overlooked. I think many people around the world will buy this game for that reason and I think it will pay off in longevity. 2-3 years from now, no one will be playing FIFA 14, they will be playing FIFA 16-17, but I think this game will persist alongside.

  • ElectroniCali - Best diaper cream by far

    I LOVE this cream. Used it for both of my kids as soon as I saw red in the diaper area and they have never had a diaper rash. My 4 year old obviously isn't in diapers anymore but I used this with him and he never had one diaper rash. Using it for my little girl now and so far, her bum is nice and clear. If they get red, use it and the next day, the irritation is gone. I HIGHLY recommend this cream. So glad I found it. I got a 2 pack. Threw one in the diaper bag and one is at home. It is expensive BUT it lasts a long time because it works. You don't have to use it every day. Only if you see them getting irritated and by the next day, it will be better. Also, it has no odor which is good because I can't stand smelly diaper creams. The only downside is that it is hard to get off in the bath but that's a good thing in a wet diaper so it doesn't bother me.