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AplusA | Leader français des études de marché santé - AplusA is a medical market research firm conducting customized primary market research studies worldwide, with a particular expertise in KPI trackers.
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I've got four of these laying around now. When converting over to usb-c, these will help. They don't cost as much as some competitors, and work just as well. Haven't had any issues with the dozen or so usb-c phones I've used them with.
The generic brands are the same and CHEAPER. Don't listen to the baloney that you have to apply it twice. My doctor swore that once is enough. It doesn't work on the front of the scalp Give yourself at least 6 months to see some results.
I grew up on a standard Singer "workhorse" sewing machine, and this portable one is a dream, and works every bit as well as I hoped, and more so! Very portable and light, even. Sews super-fast (1100 stitches per minute!) and very sturdy and easy to thread and wind bobbin. Make sure you purchase the proper Singer plastic bobbins. The metal ones just dont fit right (it comes with extra babbins, so you wont have to buy them right away). Be careful to LOOK for the axxessory pack! it is hidden inside the arm of the machine -- you have to take take off the bottom portion (as though sewing a cuff or pantleg) and then open a hidden compartment. I think I actually said a secret word to finally get it open. I paid $120 and it was a steal as far as I'm concerned.
I have been using them for two months with absolutely no change. I didn't mind at first because the pills are full of vitamins until I noticed that one of the ingredients is aspartame which is a known carcinogen. I also developed extreme muscle spasms that made everything from sitting down to sleeping completely painful. The spasms would only happen while I was taking the pills but when I stopped them for two weeks the spasms stopped. They returned immediately after taking another pill. I know that my reaction to the pills may be very rare but the aspartame alone is enough to not buy the product again.