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  • J. Maas - This clock has helped my preschoolers sleep later

    The clock itself is pretty cheaply made, but the only part we really care about is the stoplight. The design makes it very easy to understand. My boys (just turned 3 and 5) do not understand time, and do not believe me when I tell them "It's still nighttime." However, for some reason they DO believe the stoplight. They were getting up earlier and earlier (6, then 5:30, then 5) and we decided to try this clock to help them know when it is ok to get up. It is easy for them to understand "Red means stay in bed." I started by setting the light to turn green at 6:30 (a realistic goal), and plan to creep the time later a few minutes at a time. They take great pride in telling me "I stayed in bed until the light turned green!" and get positive reinforcement from us. I don't know why they take it so seriously, but this is really working well for us.

  • Michelle J - Will get you pumped up

    Nice simple 30 minute workout to get your heart rate up and get you pumped. Instructor gives great instruction and ques for following the video.

  • Amazon Customer - Probably A Rare, But Defective Unit...But I've Had A Horrible Samsung EVO Experience

    Although I am in the minority, I have had a horrible experience with the Samsung 850 EVO. I purchased this about two months ago and have been trying to install it into my laptop every weekend since.

  • John Jacob McRee - A very good book, but lengthy.

    The book made a very good case for some momentous things happening soon. Exactly what will happen is left up in the air. I do believe that the book helps wake people up to the fact that we are living at a time which has been prophesied in the Bible which will affect everyone in the world.

  • Wifeybo - You'll love it!

    I wish I'd bought this sooner - it works so much better than I expected. The treatment from this unit is comparable to the professional treatments I've paid hundreds of dollars for. It is super convenient to be able to use it right when I see a hair coming in and It works fast! I have only had it for about three weeks and I already have a significant reduction in hair growth - like 70% less hairs. My super sensitive skin is not bothered at all by the treatments and if fact seems clearer. I hardly even get red from it and It is not painful at all. I love this system. I would buy it again happily.

  • Sara Zeek - Working Well!

    We are renting an old house that takes on water in the basement resulting in a nasty, musty smell that was driving me nuts. The landlord has no interest in solving his moisture problem so I was looking for a fix for the time we will be living here. I put two buckets in the basement along with a baking soda tablet and a week later I have noticed a definitive difference in the damp, musty feel and the smell is gone. I'm really happy!

  • Marie - Great for feet but only feet!

    Warning, ladies DO NOT use this wash on your private areas as it can alter your pH level and lead to growth of bacteria and yeast infections. I had this happen to me several times until my doctor and I realized that the problem was this wash. It works wonders on my feet but I cannot use it anywhere else.