

I.M 120. Helping you to BE YOUR BEST SELF - I.M. 120 is designed to bring you the very best in anti-aging, weight loss management, family medicine, and aesthetic services.

Country:, North America, US

City: -118.3928 California, United States

  • Frank A - Internal battery was dead and does not recharge

    This thing arrived with a dead nonchargable battery. My wife threw away the packaging to return. what a disappointment. I use a portable cell phone charger to plug in and play. don't waist your time with this product.

  • Kelley J. Campana - Spider Massacre (but only when sprayed directly on spider)

    This absolutely works! We moved into a new house that has a large screened in patio. The patio was absolutely infested with long-jawed orb weaver spiders. I initially sprayed the entire house and patio with Ortho Home Defense, which has been pretty effective for keeping roaches out of the house, but did nothing for the patio spiders. So I purchased this product based on the great reviews. I sprayed every nook and cranny of the patio and spiders were freaking out and falling from their webs everywhere, there were so many more spiders than I thought. This may be species or size dependent, but they did not die immediately, or even several minutes, after being sprayed. After about an hour I checked back and saw a ton of dead spiders, but there were some that were still alive but struggling. There was one outside my patio door that I kept an eye on after spraying it directly and it took probably 4 hours to finally die. So don't be discouraged if the spiders are still alive after a while. I also went out and sprayed the entire outside of the screened patio as well, as I noticed several spiders that were up under the roof on the outside of the screen. This morning I went out and didn't see a single spider that was still alive, but I saw tons of dead ones. I'm very impressed. I don't know how long the protection will last, but I can't imagine that I will get the full 12 months out of it, as it is outside in a hot an humid climate, I'm just happy to have a patio cleared of spiders for now.

  • Vincent Ng - Do not Buy from GoPro Directly

    I would have rated this zero star if Amazon provides such an option. If you consider buying this product, please buy from Amazon as they will help you return to GoPro if you find fault and are not satisfied with it. I have actually wanted to buy from Amazon like all my on-line purchases. But the Black Edition is not available in early December. So I ordered direct from GoPro on-line to deliver to my hotel in LA before I checked out from the hotel. I placed the order more than 2 weeks ahead. The order first went through. But 1 week later, I have to check their website that and found that the shipment will not be in time. I cancelled the order immediately. But Go Pro proceeded to ship the product and deducted the money from my debit card. I have to raise 5 cases to their customer support and finally they told me to arrange the return at my own cost before they will refund me. They told me they are not responsible for any cancellation even if you cancel the order way before they ship. They have the most screw-up and dis-integrated ordering and fulfillment system. I will never buy direct from GoPro.

  • Home Schooling Grandma from SEMO - Risky Product??????

    Prime is an excellent product but I recommend being very careful not to overdose. It says that you can use 5 times the amount if you have high ammonia and/or nitrite. I called the Saechem company to get some advice on my 55 gallon freshwater tank. I was having high nitrite levels and was worried about my fish. I was told by a representative of the company that I could add the large amount of Prime (the 5 times the usual dose) no more than every 48 hours. They also recommended my not doing the water changes unless I felt I really needed too. Although I disagreed with the representative about the water changes (I was doing a 50% water change daily because of high nitrite level) I went ahead and took the advice and did exactly what I was told. That is when I began losing fish. I had several deaths which happened after I added the big doses of Prime. Makes me wonder if the large doses of Prime could be toxic to some fish. I was careful to only add the exact amounts just as the representative advised and not to do a water change. Even with the elevated nitrite levels as long as I was doing a daily 50% water change my fish ate good and acted normally and I had NO deaths. It wasn't until after I stopped doing the daily water changes and added the huge dose of Prime that my fish started dying. I do like this product for making tap water safe with water changes but I will never add the huge doses to my tank again. It's just too risky in my opinion.

  • Dan The Man - Very Handy

    This is a simple and easy to attach product. I accidentally cracked the bottom lip while removing it from a can, but I think this was my fault (too forceful). Regardless, it still works wonderfully. I've used it on probably 10 spray cans at this point, and it makes them SO much easier to use.