

the mind wobbles – Systems Biology, Bioinformatics, Ontologies, Data Integration, Workshops, News, Papers, etc.. - Systems Biology, Bioinformatics, Ontologies, Data Integration, Workshops, News, Papers, etc..

  • Copyright – the mind wobbles - The Mind Wobbles Blog by Allyson Lister is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
  • About – the mind wobbles - Yes, it is a weak pun on "the mind boggles"... And also a reference/homage to the Weebles (weebles wobble but they won't fall down): the mind wobbles, but it won't fall down. You can also find me on Google+, Twitter, and SlideShare. Short Version: My name is Allyson Lister and I began working part time…
  • PhD Thesis – the mind wobbles - Below you can find a complete table of contents for all thesis-related posts (you can also get to the posts via the "thesis" tag I have used for each). Enjoy! Thesis Posts Abstract Additional Front Material Chapter 1: Background 1.1: Overview 1.2: What does systems biology data look like? 1.3: Modelling biological systems 1.4: Standards…
  • The NormSys registry for modeling standards in systems and synthetic biology – the mind wobbles - COMBINE 2016 Martin Golebiewski . NormSys covers the COMBINE standards, but they have plans to extend it to further modelling standards. Each standard has multiple versions/levels, and trying to figure out which standard you need to use can be tricky. Normsys provides a summary of each standard as well as a matrix summarizing each…
  • SED-ML support in JWS Online – the mind wobbles - COMBINE 2016 Martin Peters In an ideal world, you should be able to reproduce any simulation published in a paper. This does happen for some models. You have a website which links the paper from JWS and data from the FAIRDOM hub. Then you can tweak the parameters of a published model and see how…
  • The ZBIT Systems Biology Software and Web Service Collection – the mind wobbles - COMBINE 2016 Andreas Draeger In systems biology, people want to perform dynamic simulations, steady-state analyses and others. SBML is the format to use for the model, but you also need a data structure for use in the software, and as such they developed jSBML. People build models from KEGG, textbooks and more. They try to…
  • COMBINE 2016 Day 3: SigNetSim, A web-based framework for designing kinetic models of molecular signaling networks – the mind wobbles - COMBINE 2016   Vincent Noel He was asked to develop a web tool which would be easy for biologists and students, but which could use a parallel simulated annealing algorithm and perform model reduction. He used Python to write the core library and the web interface, with some parts of the library in C. In…
  • COMBINE 2016 Day 3: Modelling ageing to enhance a healthy lifespan – the mind wobbles - COMBINE 2016 Daryl Shanley Age is a major risk factor for chronic disease, and chronic diseases are the major cause of death and disability in the world, estimated at around 70% (WHO 2005). Molecular damage is the underlying factor in all of these (DNA damage (cancer), dementia and more). Ageing results from the accumulation of…

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  • KOMAR - Great for muscle and mass

    This animal m-stack supplement was awesome. Just finished my 3 week cycle need to measure my arms but I know I'm stronger. I will definitely use this again in a month or 2. Only downside is appetite has increased out of control. Still a great product to build up strength and mass.

  • Bill S. - Cheap Product Expensive Price

    Do yourself a favor and buy the cheap ones from target. they last longer. My daughter wore these for about a month - and not even every day. They literally cracked/ripped on the top of the foot near the black strap. 2 large gashes on one boot and another large rip on the other boot. I wouldn't have minded the price b/c they are really cute but it was not worth it for us. save your money.

  • Amazon Customer - Great Gift

    I gave my extra one to my younger brother, hes not good at taking care of his things especially when it`s anything electronics. He already had it for 3 weeks now and so far it`s holding up well

  • Amazon Customer - PC Version: Incredible tool with just a few short-comings

    This is my first experience with the Rocksmith brand and I have to say I'm really excited for what it is, what it's doing for my guitar playing, and what the future of the franchise holds.