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Ths producr really helps you lose weight because it makes you sweat like you in a field for real. Instant hot flashes..omg but works. I lost 10 pounds in two weeks
Lovely shawl for the price. This is just the thing to wear to church or a concert, where you want to look a bit dressy, but it's awkward to shed a jacket if it gets too warm.
Works great, we used on our Great Dane who had some skin problems. Cleared them up quickly and it lathers really well. A little goes a long way.
Good magazine, great golf tips from Butch Harmon and Tom Watson. Print is a bit small both on the Kindle and in the magazine.
We adopted a stray kitten after a move to the country thinking one of our two cats had ran off and met a county grave as he was gone for 4 days when the stray kitten showed up. When he showed back up we now had three cats, a new baby (seriously, moved on Saturday and she came along on Monday) and a new home. Suddenly there were random "samples" shall we say, and we could not pin down the culprit. After an expensive vet visit (for all 3) we were at a loss. Behind the new basement bar and laundry was a preferred location and we were at the end of our rope. Finally my husband caught the kitten doing her business behind the bar and she was locked in the spare room at night. She normally did this at night (we think the more aggressive of the two original cats (he's a jerk anyway) was picking on her at night). Crazy thing is she was using the litter box while in the room, but not when subjected to the open house. We were making arrangements with a rescue to surrender her as a life in a locked room reminded me too much of "Flowers in the Attic" and not was not a great life. I realized I just couldn't do it without trying everything so I can say I had a clear conscious as she really was a sweet cat. The vet recommended these and the litter attracting powder to start in hopes the kitten would stop using behind the bar as her "safe place" and the other pee-culprit would stop. I put one of these on the main level and another behind the bar. Day 1 it didn't work, but it does say could take up to 4 weeks. Day 2, no samples behind the car and we're on around day 10. While my 6 year old is ecstatic (it was his chore to check for deposits and clean them up) I feel better that we were able to keep her. I don't have 5 stars as I'd like to see whether this works long term or once the diffuser is out if new habits have been set or if I'll have to continue buying the refills. Either way, it so far has been worth the $30 simply to cut down on my husbands complaining and daily poop reports.
This book is excellent if you are a detail-oriented person who has the patience to sift thru tons of information. If you are impatient and want a quick guide to give you 'tips' on how to save on taxes...don't buy this almost 900-page book. If you take the time and read thru it carefully with a highlighter marker, you will benefit from this author's extreme knowledge on this very complex subject and save yourself money. time is money and this book is worth your time.
You are planning to take the LSAT. You are a very smart person, and you know that this is literally the most important test you will ever take, and your future may be determined by your score.