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  • Patricia A. Best - I was skeptical, but I've been won over

    This is my first Amazon review.....EVER. I started taking this about a month ago...and definitely have noticed an improvement in my digestion. It used to be that whenever I ate out I had digestive problems...might as well not have wasted my money. Since I began taking 2 of these a day, my diarrea has significantly reduced, and although I can't be sure, I think I'm starting to feel better overall. I've just ordered my second box, and am hopeful my good luck continues. I take it in a little bit of water, I can't take just the dry powder (yuk) but when put in a about an ounce or two of water it really isn't bad. I was willing to give this a try, and I hope you will too. (this is in no way a paid endorsement, I'm just a regular gal, with an irregular system).

  • Max McLean - Quite the best of its kind

    This is the best weight loss book since George Pell's: Towards Healing: How To Move Those Embarrassing Lumps To Another Parish. I lost 2 kilograms just by looking at the cover alone. No more sticky fingers down the throat for me; I'm going to read the contents page and the acknowledgements too and reach my ideal weight in time for the Rapture.

  • Juan Carlos Duenas - Good unit

    It's a good unit for the price. It does what it says. It just can't seem to pitch wiffle balls correctly. Would recommend.....

  • Carolyn T. - Grandson Loves This

    My grandson in college asked for this for Christmas. I thought he would find it to be not appropriate for his age. The exact opposite happened. He loves it and was so excited when it appeared under the tree.