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Paramount Health Care - Health Insurance, Group Medical, Medicare, Medicaid - At Paramount, we offer health insurance to both large and small groups as well as cater to medicare and medicaid subscribers in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan.

  • Marketplace for Individuals - Paramount is excited to offer insurance on the Health Insurance Marketplace for northwest Ohio residents.
  • Paramount Health Care - Health Care Providers - Here you can locate any provider in the Paramount network, including primary care physicians and specialists, laboratories, testing facilities, physical therapy providers, hospitals, urgent care and community health providers.
  • Pay your Paramount premium - You can pay your group or individual Paramount Health Insurance premium here. You can also pay your ProMedica physician or facility bill here.
  • Welcome to Paramount Elite Medicare - Please select one of the following options to view plan information for 2016 and 2017.
  • Paramount Advantage - Medicaid, Family and Children Managed Care Plan - Welcome to Paramount Advantage. Paramount Advantage is a managed care plan (MCP) that Covered Families and Children Medicaid consumers, including Healthy Start and Healthy Families can choose to join.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -83.5879 Michigan, United States

  • FLUFF BUNNY - Seriously??? This thing ROCKS!!!

    OMG! Love, love, love the Nurtibullet!! Not to sound like a lunatic, but this machine has changed my life. I feel AWESOME. I am now having organic spinach, carrots, black beans, pineapple and banana for breakfast. And it tastes GOOD and is super filling. I just turned 44 and until recently, my eating habits were really horrible. Standard American processed crap, lots of fast food and sweets. And I felt like crap. I was sick all the time, I had a cold that morphed into pneumonia and my cough was not going away even months later. My feet and legs hurt terribly. I was a hot mess. Exhausted all the time. Depressed. Overweight. I really felt like I was on the cusp of having a major life event like a stroke or heart attack. I have two young children and I was ashamed of my eating habits and scared of dying early and not being around for them because of bad choices I was making. I started taking out books on nutrition from the library and doing a lot of research. Ultimately, I decided to follow Dr. Furhmans Eat to Live program. In a nutshell, the diet is fruit, veggies, beans, nuts and seeds. That's it. I know. Seems impossible. But this nutribullet lets you follow the program effortlessly. The change in me is dramatic. It has only been a few weeks, but I feel incredible. All my pains are gone. I feel so much better MENTALLY. Anyone who is thinking of buying this machine should go for it. It does exactly what is says it will. It grinds frozen pineapple and organic berries and everything else into a beautiful smoothie. All the nutrients are intact and the machine cleans up in a snap. I love this machine. Buy it. Change your life and buy it.

  • Max Lima - I was looking for a nice supplement to gain muscle and make them denser

    I was looking for a nice supplement to gain muscle and make them denser, thats when i found M-stack. One of my workout buddies recommended it and i decided to try it! During he 21 day cycle i gained 7 pounds of muscle and droped 1% body fat. My arms gained around half an inch and i added 30 pounds to my bench press max!!! If your looking for a great supplement order this now

  • M. Morretti - Great bag at a great price

    Great bag at a great price, waterproof, lightweight, solid zippers-this was a birthday gift for my 25 year old son and he loves it-moved into it as soon as he unwrapped the box!

  • Brandon Borbath - Cleansing for the ages

    If you are constipated, I highly advise you eat a handful of these suckers. All it takes is the digestion of a few bears to unleash hours and hours of miserable, ungodly, anus burning streams of red hot, liquified diarrhea. May God be with you.

  • Familyfun - Durable and sleek

    Wasn't sure how durable this cover would be, but at $16 it seemed worth trying. I've been using this cover now for two months and the finish is still good as new, the binding has stood up and is not floppy or stretched out. Highly recommend this product!

  • Laura Pearson - Awesome product!!

    I can't believe nobody left a review on CellFood yet! I am 31 years old and have been taking Cellfood for just 1 month by now. I read about how great it is so I gave it a try.I needed smth to boost my energy as a mom of a 4 year old boy so I kept taking it religiously and lately I have noticed I finally have that long-time desired energy, I found myself sleeping so beautifully, like on a tropical-breezed island and my overall well-being is so great! I work throughout the house for many hours and I still don't go tired to bed, I can stay up very late, as I don't feel tired!!! I can't believe it. I am so blessed to have Cellfood, I will ship some over to my mom and indicate it to everyone I have the chance.