

NLM & You: The Video Contest | Devpost - The National Library of Medicine challenged the public to create videos highlighting uses of NLM products and services.

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  • Shawn Quick - Not so Digi-fit and poor customer service

    After seeing all of the commercials on TV, the Weathertech seemed like a good product to protect my new truck. The price seemed a bit high, but would be worth it in the long run. I went through the selection software, opted for the digitalfit liners, and received the product in 3-4 days. Took about 1 minute to drop in the two front liners and realize this wasn't the product I was after. The material seems sturdy, but there were several gaps around the trim, and the overlaps look cheap. After seeing the fit and finish in the front, I didn't even bother with the rear. I called Weathertech with the intention of switching to the all weather mats, but the attitude of the customer service department changed my position very quickly. The lady I spoke with was extremely arrogant and essentially said that the lack of fit was because of my truck and certainly not because of their precious laser fit liners. Not a single apology or even a hint of empathy toward the customer. Instead of trying the all weather mats, I've decided that my money would be better spent elsewhere. I don't believe the quality is there, and the customer service has ensured that I will never be a Weathertech customer in the future.

  • S. Armstrong - Wow!

    Talk about hanging off the edge of your seat (a chinese wooden toilet seat that is!!)!! Not since the Plop plop fizz fizz jingle have I been moved so much! Starts off slow, but once you get to the end, it's a real pincher!


    I am also writing a review directly on the Sklz page since this is FALSE ADVERTISEMENT! this product is a TOY and should not be listed anywhere in sports or as a training aid.... unless you are ok using only wiffle balls... and still they wouldn't go higher than 12 ft... soft toss w regulation balls... this is a joke! in the highest setting with the hardest resistant on the spring that activates the catapult will not toss the ball higher than 2 feet!! maybe it could be a training aid for a kid going from T-Ball to Coach's pitch.. but that's it... now regarding price-value, this item should cost no more than $25...

  • Audrey S. Clark - A Must Have for all Arthritis Sufferers

    If you liked the first book, you will love this one. Dr. Theodosakis has updated many areas of this book to include all the latest info on arthritis supplements. He even discusses which brands to buy to get the best relief. There is even a chapter on common pain relievers that contains little known information that could actually save your life. Many areas of the book have been revised.Probably half of the book is new. I love it! Without the information I have learned from this and other books by Dr. Theodosakis, I would be an ex runner! Thanks!

  • Jyoti Josahentara - Good Book but Somewhat Lacking

    First, let me say that I recommend this book, even though I'm not thrilled with how the book is organized. I find it lacking in the HOW-TO and WHEN departments. The author is obviously very knowledgeable and thorough in describing what candida overgrowth is, why it is, and the overall steps to take to get rid of it. There's a lot of good information here and the author is enthusiastic about sharing her experience and wisdom. The diet is a good one and I'm glad I have the book. So, this is why I give it 4 stars.

  • Fat Cat Enterprises - instead of the recommended two, works pretty well

    I have been taking this product for a couple of weeks and it does work well for me. I'm about 160 pounds and I find taking the one pill, instead of the recommended two, works pretty well. I think in general people have various reaction to sleep-aides and for me this works much better than anything else I have tried. Unisom gives me a pretty bad headache, so even though the ingredients I much prefer this. Not sleeping is no fun at all, so anything that can help with such minimal side effects is a goos product by my book.

  • Brice S. - Here's a real review.

    Ok, so here's a real review. Not a review that was written a couple days after the trying this product either. I waited 2 whole months to write this review because I know how important these reviews can be for a person (like myself) struggling with intestinal problems. Sometimes you try everything and start to give up and totally abandon any idea of relief.