

Beverly Hills Florist | Flower Delivery by My Beverly Hills Florist - Best Beverly Hills florist. My Beverly Hills Florist offers fresh flower delivery Beverly Hills. Save money by sending flowers directly with a Local Florist.

  • Beverly Hills, CA Flower Delivery | My Beverly Hills Florist - Send the perfect flowers from My Beverly Hills Florist. We offer the freshest and most beautiful flowers for Beverly Hills flower delivery.
  • Your Beverly Hills floral expert | My Beverly Hills Florist - Everything you want to know on flowers and flower delivery by your local Beverly Hills florist.
  • Lavender With Class in Beverly Hills, CA | My Beverly Hills Florist - Send Lavender With Class in Beverly Hills, CA from My Beverly Hills Florist, the best florist in Beverly Hills. All flowers are hand delivered and same day delivery may be available.
  • White Rose Box in Beverly Hills, CA | My Beverly Hills Florist - Send White Rose Box in Beverly Hills, CA from My Beverly Hills Florist, the best florist in Beverly Hills. All flowers are hand delivered and same day delivery may be available.
  • Pinks and Lavenders in Beverly Hills, CA | My Beverly Hills Florist - Send Pinks and Lavenders in Beverly Hills, CA from My Beverly Hills Florist, the best florist in Beverly Hills. All flowers are hand delivered and same day delivery may be available.
  • Pink Orchids for the Desk in Beverly Hills, CA | My Beverly Hills Florist - Send Pink Orchids for the Desk in Beverly Hills, CA from My Beverly Hills Florist, the best florist in Beverly Hills. All flowers are hand delivered and same day delivery may be available.
  • Two dozen South American Red Roses in Beverly Hills, CA | My Beverly Hills Florist - Send Two dozen South American Red Roses in Beverly Hills, CA from My Beverly Hills Florist, the best florist in Beverly Hills. All flowers are hand delivered and same day delivery may be available.
  • Baby Blue Hydrangea mix in Beverly Hills, CA | My Beverly Hills Florist - Send Baby Blue Hydrangea mix in Beverly Hills, CA from My Beverly Hills Florist, the best florist in Beverly Hills. All flowers are hand delivered and same day delivery may be available.
  • White Roses Standing Tall in Beverly Hills, CA | My Beverly Hills Florist - Send White Roses Standing Tall in Beverly Hills, CA from My Beverly Hills Florist, the best florist in Beverly Hills. All flowers are hand delivered and same day delivery may be available.
  • Accents To Remember in Beverly Hills, CA | My Beverly Hills Florist - Send Accents To Remember in Beverly Hills, CA from My Beverly Hills Florist, the best florist in Beverly Hills. All flowers are hand delivered and same day delivery may be available.
  • Small Autumn mix in Beverly Hills, CA | My Beverly Hills Florist - Send Small Autumn mix in Beverly Hills, CA from My Beverly Hills Florist, the best florist in Beverly Hills. All flowers are hand delivered and same day delivery may be available.
  • Shades of Green - My Beverly Hills Florist in Beverly Hills, CA | My Beverly Hills Florist - Send Shades of Green - My Beverly Hills Florist in Beverly Hills, CA from My Beverly Hills Florist, the best florist in Beverly Hills. All flowers are hand delivered and same day delivery may be available.
  • Thanksgiving Table Centerpiece in Beverly Hills, CA | My Beverly Hills Florist - Send Thanksgiving Table Centerpiece in Beverly Hills, CA from My Beverly Hills Florist, the best florist in Beverly Hills. All flowers are hand delivered and same day delivery may be available.
  • Orchids and Tulips, Oh My in Beverly Hills, CA | My Beverly Hills Florist - Send Orchids and Tulips, Oh My in Beverly Hills, CA from My Beverly Hills Florist, the best florist in Beverly Hills. All flowers are hand delivered and same day delivery may be available.
  • Small Cream and pink Mix in Beverly Hills, CA | My Beverly Hills Florist - Send Small Cream and pink Mix in Beverly Hills, CA from My Beverly Hills Florist, the best florist in Beverly Hills. All flowers are hand delivered and same day delivery may be available.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -121.8914 California, United States

  • katherine - Its good. Has a slight smell to it

    Its good. Has a slight smell to it. It didn't make me nauseated. I got this product for a discounted price for my honest review. I have a bad habit about biting my nails and can't get them to grow because of it and i wanted to grow my hair out again. So far not nauseated from it and wasn't too hard to swallow just it has a slight scent to it.

  • John Pfeiffer - Bought a 2nd one. Both working great. 10-19-16

    Nice package design (case and control locations). Feels a little heavy, just over a pound, and I'm thinking that the battery is probably most of the weight, and battery life is somewhat important in a usable tablet. I've had Windows Tabs that have gotten between 2-6 hours in runtime (even some Fujitsu's going back to 2001). I expect that the Zenpad, being driven by the new Mediatek chipset should exceed the best Windows Tabs numbers, but it's mostly the screens that eat up the juice. I've only used this for a few days, but used it heavily. So far I have had no screen issues, but am on manual for brightness, and change it as needed for lighting conditions. I have also disabled most of the stock Asus apps, and uninstalled the apps that actually can be uninstalled. BTW, the bootloader is locked on this Marshmallow/6.0 version, so if you're thinking about rooting, you may want to research other tablets. I can't comment on the cameras as I use my phone or a real camera for photos. I would not expect an under $200 tablet camera to equal a real or iphone/Samsung phone camera. The 2gb of ram is a huge plus. I just returned a generic tablet that was almost half the price of the Asus, that claimed 4gb ram, 4gb internal mem plus 60gb of internal SD, but was junk with less than 1gb internal and lots if other fake specs. Having 2gb of REAL ram is a benefit, although only 1gb is free the majority of the time. For $179, I would expect at least a 2gb/32gb combo, but 16gb will do if you aren't expecting the world for under $200. For some reason, tablet manufacturers haven't caught up with how current users use their tablets and why their storage technology and specs should move past 2010. Using memory cost as a reason to short users on specs has no basis as ram/rom costs are almost negligible nowadays. Perhaps Android has issues with accessing larger mem numbers? Overall, the case design is nice, possibly one of the least block-looking tablets I've used. Two of the family have Acer One 10 tablets, and they're very basic in styling. I would have purchased one of those, but the limiting factor was the 1gb of ram. So far, those have working very well, but recently have gone up in price (now between $139-$169). I had picked up the pair at BB locally for $109 each making them a good deal. Overall, the Asus does very well-excellent at most tasks and pulled about 33,000 on Antutu benchmark. No, that's not exactly cranking, but it's all about battery life. Some generic Tabs pull 50,000+, but you'll be moaning about battery life and heat if you buy one of those. The only real gripe I have about this Tab is that occasionally the wifi will bog (even at full strength 6 meters from the router). It may be some offending app sucking bandwidth and is prevalent mostly during my use of Play, so I suggest using Opera Max to control your apps background, wifi, and radio (cell) usage. Max will show what apps are sucking data. As an aside, I would NOT recommend using Operas browsers, especially Opera-mini, which though it "saves data" with inflated/deflated numbers, is almost completely useless and frustrating to use. Anyway, back to the main point: Asus Zenpad Z300M - nice package, screen looks great for it's size, fairly quick response, long boot up for an Android box, but not terrible, good screen response except occasionally when using Play, where the app screen does not always respond to touch. Everything else that I have installed runs great. I left it on last night at 95% battery with screen in saver mode (off), and this morning it was at 84%. Not bad for standby. Also, the Zenpad has a power saver app. Use it. I mentioned earlier that the Zenpad seemed a little heavy. Well, keep in mind that adding a cover will almost double it's weight to over 2 lbs.

  • Britt - Love to Hate to Love Relationship!

    At first I loved the product but then it started to dry out my skin. I almost gave up on the product but then I started to moisturize more. I got a few pimples when my skin was dry, however they have now cleared up. It has been a month since I started the product and I love it. IT IS IMPORTANT TO MOISTURIZE A LOT!!!