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  • Amazon Customer - A silly conclusion (or at least should be) to a series that had a promising start

    The third book of the series (apparently a fourth is anticipated) continues the decline. In this book the central action is taking place at the highest levels of human and alien societies. The cracks in the world building break the plot up into silly pieces. The writing also seem rather more repetitive than the earlier books. We are building up to a grand confrontation between humans and the scum who had killed half the Earth's population 50 years ago. Our heroes have a special role to play in killing the scum emperor. One of the tensions the book never resolves is that it wants to show the war is awful and always wasteful, but simultaneously show the scum as irredeemably evil. After starting only a couple of years earlier where human technology was vastly inferior to the scum, we find that humans can do even better and the final battle with the scum emperor is resolved by yet another unmotivated deus ex machine. Earlier we have a whole insert where apparently just for the fun of it we meet a new groups of aliens with our heroes seeming recruiting 5 or 6 races to the cause in just a few days while they are marching off to the big battle. Definitely ambassador materiel!

  • Michael H. - Good monitor - no issues so far

    Has been a great monitor so far. I've noticed that sometimes they're a little dark - I have them near a window in my office and even with the blinds/shades, when it is bright the screens can be a little difficult to see. Have had to adjust them a couple times. I got this to replace an older LED screen and have to say this one is much better. Would recommend for anyone needing a general LED monitor for their office.

  • tc978 - doesn't work!!!!!

    Waste of money app....all it does its crash. Doesn't even show rankings or anything, mostly for blank pages that don't work

  • History Teacher - Versatile adhesive

    I do a lot of scratch-built models. Often I need to bond metal to wood, or plastic to metal. Most PVA white glues are not up to the task, and many epoxies are far too messy for the quantities I need. Liquid Fusion is the only product on the market that provides the strength and versatility I need with a minimum of mess. It sets quickly but takes several hours to dry. Once it is hard it takes paint well and will stand up to some pretty rough handling.

  • Amazon Customer - This has been a wonderful product for me

    Shipped and delivered on time. Life time of sinus problems. I had a little trouble getting the method but hang in there, Once you got it you got it and it is a breeze. This has been a wonderful product for me.

  • Amazon Customer - Followed the directions as indicated and I felt much better the next day and was ready to rally again

    Get some NOW! This stuff really does work. Normally, after a night of hard drinking, I am stuck in the bed for an entire day. Not anymore now that I found this little gem. Followed the directions as indicated and I felt much better the next day and was ready to rally again. Excellent product. Definitely need to keep this stocked up in my medicine cabinet. Great stuff!

  • KCop -

    I bought two sets of mats. Set for Ford Escape fit okay. The rear Mustang mats fit terribly. I called and was told to cut to fit. I measured and even if cut, would be too wide, so mats were returned. It took forever to get a credit, multiple emails and excuses! I finally put an amount in dispute with my CC company. When credit was given, it was for the original cost but did not include a refund of the "original shipping cost," as promised by Maria Z.