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  • Cobra32 - What I expected!

    I received my HONDA CRV roof racks much sooner than I expected and after some frustration trying to install them without any instructions, I figured I needed to get out my tape measure and do some measuring. Well, the trick is that one side of the rack's mounting screws are four inches center to center and the opposite end our 4 1/2" c-c so if you do not check them you could strip out the threads because holes won't line-up. Once I figured that out everything went together in a snap! It would be nice if they would tell you that, it would save a lot of time and confusion.

  • Frasc - It does an extremely good job to send sound over BlueTooth with NO perceptible ...

    It does an extremely good job to send sound over BlueTooth with NO perceptible latency. So, no delayed lip-sync. Yay!

  • J. Mosley - Great Workout!

    I've done two days of this and it is very tough. I only marked the "fun" factor down to a four because the 99 bicycle crunches it gave me this morning were not what I would exactly call "fun" but I'm glad I did them. The game is very responsive. Although I agree completely about how annoying the sound indicators are for the intensity of your movements it is a good motivator and enables you to not have to look at the screen to make sure you are doing the movement correctly. I do Jillian's 30 day shred and biggest loser cardio max on a regular basis and this thing still kicked my rear. The game is also very aesthetically pleasing with many lovely environments on "the island". Love it! Thank you Jillian for another great fitness tool!

  • stephieH - won't get the set again

    I love the oil and spray on conditioner, but the shampoo does not lather well and the bottle conditioner takes a lot but work ok. The shampoo smells like bug spray. I would buy the oil cause it does work really well on my frizzy hair and it doesn't smell as bad