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    Bought this to use on my stove top. The stove is super-glossy so it needs to be kept extremely clean and I was hoping this would cut through grease and stuff faster to reduce the time I spend spraying and wiping . . . spraying and wiping. . . I have tried every cleaner in my house to varying degrees of success. Nothing has really worked the way I want it to.

  • T. Duda - I like the strategies better than Kaplan's

    I echo many peoples' sentiments in that I feel both the Princeton Review and Kaplan books are useful. Personally, I like how this book is written better than I do Kaplan's. I also like the strategies a little more. Both are good though. If you're not going to take the courses in person, then I would suggest getting both this text and Kaplan's. The more practice the better. One thing that I found interesting is that after combining Barron's, Kaplan's, and the Princeton review's top 250, top 200 (and top 400 found online after signing up for the online supplements), and top 450 (Hit Parade and beyond the hit parade)words, respectively, I came up with about 940 words. You would think that there would be more overlap; I guess not.

  • C. Price - Always Sunny.

    Okay, I'll admit it. I bought this just to re-enact the intentionally-cheesy Jackie Denardo scenes in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I have a bar!...I own a bar- it's my bar and I wanted to invite you to it.

  • Niel Rishoi - Urgently essential book for good health

    No one doesn't need this book. If you are taking medication for any of the most "profitable" common health problems, or are about to, it is urgent that you read this book. Or if you simply want to improve your health. Mr. Ellison provides an invaluable public service by detailing the dangerous side effects of many of these medications - and provides information on safe, healthy alternatives. Medical quackery is rampant nowadays, with people being wrongly or over-prescribed: or prescribed, period, when there was no need to be in the first place. We are seeing, increasingly, more damning evidence against many of these drugs, with deaths occurring, lawsuits, lives ruined, and cover-ups by pharmaceutical industries. I have seen, first hand, some of the insidious, and scary side effects many medications have caused for my loved ones; and in a few of these instances, I proved the doctors wrong in their diagnoses and revealed the real problems.