

Fibroids Miracle™ - Treat Uterine Fibroids Naturally - A Unique 3 Step System to Beating Uterine Fibroids the Natural Way Using Holistic Medicine

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City: -118.2641 California, United States

  • Angelinapar - Great product for a small price.

    Works great, the software setup can be a little tricky on Windows XP but reading the reviews I found all the help.

  • Amazon Customer - Absolutely Great Product for my Hair.

    The hair color that esalon sent me was just perfect. I wanted something to cover gray and to brighten up my ashy dull hair without being so noticeable that I dyed my hair. It is just perfect. The hair color did exactly what I wanted. My dull, gray and ash hair is now brighter and more colorful without startling everyone! My husband said, "It looks great but I don't think people will notice the difference because it looks so natural." Exactly what I wanted. I can't tell you how very pleased I am. Not only was the hair color great but the shampoo and conditioner I ordered are wonderful as well. I will continue using their products.

  • Greg Magnanti - I'm very pleased with the improvement between this and the old badger

    I'm very pleased with the improvement between this and the old badger. Significantly quieter and much more capable of tearing up what I throw in it. It's a little harder to fit items through the rubber gasket than the old one, but that's part of how it quiets the disposal so I'm fine with that. I haven't chunked bone at it yet, but it tore up whole limes pretty well which the old one just couldn't do. I do recommend actually reading the instructions unless you've installed one of these a couple of times as they were pretty helpful.

  • Maddy - It does work..

    I have ordered different things in hope one would work with my weight..this does work and it's full of vitamins..which I is a liquid diet for breakfast and lunch with a senseable dinner..I have lost 20 pounds in about 3 months..I have about 20 more to go and will continue to use it...

  • newmom - No corn syrup and very helpful for milk protein allergies

    This formula is fantastic for babies with a milk protein allergy and the RTF version has probably the "best" ingredients of a mainstream formula (no corn syrup, only 4% sugar). My first baby had bloody diapers for 10 days after 2 oz of regular Similac formula and after that she reacted to any dairy in my diet with awful bloody diapers. I breastfed, but sometimes wanted to be away for more than 2 hrs and pumping is hard work when full time breastfeeding - I couldn't pump enough unless I wanted to pump all day and then I was creating an oversupply and getting woken up by my boobs in the middle of the night while my baby slept. So I started supplementing with Alimentum. It took a month for her to accept the nasty taste (my husband and I taste tested Nutrimigen, Elecare, and Alimentum in all forms….Alimentum RTF is the best, at least for adult taste buds, but it's still gross compared to regular formula). But when she did drink it, she had absolutely no reaction. What a life saver. Converted to it 100% at 11 months and stayed on it until 15 months after failing a milk challenge at 12 months. Alimentum RTF is not full of corn syrup and is easy on even true milk allergy babies.