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I went through the 24 day challenge & had no problems at all!! I lost about 5 pounds, but I didn't eat just "diet" food either. I only need to loose like 10 pounds so I feel like if I had not had any late night snacks it that I definitely would have lost those other 5. As far as the products, I drink my spark everyday, and take the catalyst supplement. I also loved the MNS3 vitamins, it seemed to make my skin look better & made me feel better all the way around! I would defiantly recommend their products.
The OEM antenna on our GMC Terrain was too tall to fit in our low garage. This stubby one solves that problem. Radio reception isn't quite as good as the original antenna, but what can you expect with less antenna?
Love your parents even if they are not flawless superheroes. That's a good message. The illustrations are simple but good. Overall, my son liked the book, however, he asked me some things about the text of the story that seem contradictory to us. For example, if the superhero dad never gets hurt, why did he get a surgery in his tummy? This was just our perception, even so, it is a good book.
Highly recommended five star rated. I really enjoyed reading this story, a definite page turner hard to put down.I love and recommend all of Michael Wallace's historical fiction books.
My expectations might have been too high for this product. There's no doubt that my eyebrows are overall a little thicker. But the areas that were very sparse are still very sparse. They've really thinned out as I've gotten older, made worse by too much plucking when I was younger. I would say that the product does work, just nearly as much as I wish. BTW, I've used it for exactly 2 months.
First Aid is a great book and the most essential book you'll buy in all of medical school. First Aid 2015 has really terrible pages compared to 2014. Not many changes from year to year, but they did change the paper. Not cool.
Okay, I've already gone through about 3 bottles of this stuff so I think I've a firm grasp of at least how my body works with it. Now, these over the counter pills tell you that they will lose you the weight (specifically the fat) that you desire to lose if you take their product. Now please keep in mind, these pills (most of these pills) are NOT investigated by the FDA. Read the ingredients, read the instructions before you consider buying ANY suppliment.