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  • J. McLean - UPDATE: Not always 16% humidity as I originally reported

    Original review: I've been using this thing for a week, half the time without a humidifier and the other half with. It always reads 16% humidity. Sometimes it'll jump to 20%, but fear not, it'll be back down to 16% in a couple minutes. Piece of junk, don't waste your time or money. And if you do want to risk it, don't discard the packaging! Because you'll be returning it shortly. Wish I could.

  • Jane M Munsell - Great assortment of all the games you would want to ...

    Got this for my sister who loves to play the slot machines and video poker, she uses it all the time. Great assortment of all the games you would want to play.

  • This book's author has died of her cancer - This book's author has died of her cancer

    When my own cancer was deemed incurable, I reached eagerly for this book and attempted to do many of the things it said. Recently, I bought the sequel to this book, A Cancer Battle Plan Sourcebook, and in it, Ann Frahm's husband, Dave, reveals that Ann died of her cancer. I am estimating this happened between 1998, when the first book came out, and 2000, when the second book came out. In the second book he explains what happened, that they just couldn't clear up all her immunity problems and the cancer came back and took over. When I found out she died, I felt very let down, but on the other hand, Ann lived about 10 years fter she was sent home to die, so I guess it is however you choose to see the glass, half full or empty. I think it is only right, though, to let potential readers of this book know that Ann died. She also lived longer than anyone expected. Make your own decisions about the efficacy of her program and your quality of life if you follow program (with the frequent juicing, supplements, enemas and on and on and on) with that in mind. But if you are anything like me, you keep on doing stuff like this because you don't have anything else to keep trying to do. May God help all of us with cancer, because we surely need it.

  • Shareka - I loved the old bottle ingredients the new ingredients arent ...

    There are new ingredients in the pill bottle. I loved the old body and ingredients the new ingredients arent HEALTHY. Please take a look at the new ingredients before buying. I have been buying this brain for 5 years and I will not by anymore bc they added new ingredients without advising. (Dioxide) Wasn't in the old bottle or packaging compared to new & improved bottle.