

BeasyTrans Systems, Inc. - Clarion - February 2012 Template Demo - BeasyTrans Systems, Inc. is a Minnesota based company specializing in patient transfer boards for people with limited mobility.The Beasy boards provide upright, dignified lateral slides, unlike any other lift or transfer device currently on the market. No lifting means that soreness and injury to the patient’s shoulders and arms are greatly reduced. In addition, the Beasy technology is “tissue-friendly.” The friction caused by movement is absorbed by the system, not the user’s skin. “No-lifting” transferring is important to caregivers and patients alike. Statistics show that nursing personnel, are among the leaders in the labor force for lower back injury compensation claims. Numerous studies have linked these injuries directly to patient movement tasks. With a Beasy “no-lift” transfer system, the risk of injuries caused by lifting is greatly reduced. Products include BeasyTrans model 1100, Beasy II model 1200, and the BeasyGlyder model 1300. Also, Beasy has a full line of wood patient transfer boards.

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City: -111.8906 Arizona, United States

  • Abraham Ford - Great antivirus!

    I have used avast! Antivirus for several years now. There are three things that I love about it. (1) avast! is vary fast and lightweight on my computer. (2) It offers so many tools for securing your computer and even has a virus scanner that you can activate before the computer even boots up. (3) It's inexpensive compared to many other antivirus competitors but has all of the same features.

  • AlphaBaker - A MUST BUY for any Exploding Kittens fans.

    If you have Exploding Kittens, you have to get this! It comes with 6 new cards, and since there are multiple of the same card, so it totals to 20 cards, and it includes the Imploding Kitten, where if you draw it face down, you don't have to defuse, and you have to put it face up anywhere in the deck, and whoever draws it face up, is dead and out of the game and cannot defuse it. It also comes with the CONE OF SHAME, where the first person to forget whose turn comes next (because there are reverses that reverse the turn order) has to where it and rotate it so the arrow points in the direction of turn order. I'm going to leave the rest of the cards a surprise.