

Balance MD | Indianapolis - Lafayette - Dizzy - Vertigo - specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of dizziness, vertigo, balance and hearing loss. 91% experience significant improvement or cure of their symptoms. Dr. Sanders uses the latest knowledge and diagnostic technology.

  • Patient Information | BalanceMD - BalanceMD patient forms to fill out prior to your initial visit. Also instructions for the vestibular function evaluation, VNG, videonystagmogram, VEMP, rotary chair, audiogram
  • Staff | BalanceMD - Dr. Scott Sanders, MD, PhD, Michelle Koley, MA, CCC-A, Sandra Bratton, AuD, Audiologist, Stephanie Ford, PT, Suzan Gibson, CMA, CMOM
  • Dr. Scott Sanders | Balance MD - Dr. Sanders is a neuro-ophthalmologist who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of those suffering from dizziness, vertigo and imbalance
  • Michelle Koley, audiologist | BalanceMD - Michelle Koley is audiologist who specializes in vestibular disorders. She performs vestibular function testing, including videonystagmogram,vng, vemp, rotary chair. Michelle also performs audiograms and dispenses hearing aids.
  • Sandra Bratton, audiologist, Lafayette, Indiana | BalanceMD - Sandra Bratton, audiologist specializing in vestibular disorders. Performs vestibular function testing, videonystagmogram, vng, vemp, rotary chair, audiogram, evaluate hearing loss and dispenses hearing aids.
  • Stephanie Ford, PT, vestibular rehabilitation | BalanceMD - Stephanie Ford, PT, specializes in vestibular rehabilitation, completed the Herdman vestibular rehabilitation competency course. She has focused her practice on vestibular disorders, dizziness, vertigo, balance
  • Missy | BalanceMD - Missy is the BalanceMD Nurse, serving both our Indianapolis and Lafayette, IN locations
  • Vestibular evaluate dizziness, vertigo, balance | BalanceMD - Vestibular function testing includes videonystagmogram, VNG, Rotary Chair, and vestibular evoked myogenic potential, VEMP. Theses tests evaluate both central and peripheral causes for dizziness and aid in the diagnosis of BPPV, vestibular neuritis
  • VNG, dizziness, vertigo, balance | BalanceMD - VNG or videonystagmogram is one of several tests used to aid in the diagnosis of those suffering from dizziness or vertigo. VNG involves tests of both central brain and peripheral inner ear function. VNG can identify BPPV and unilateral vestib
  • Rotary, rotational chair test VOR | BalanceMD - Rotary chair is a part of vestibular function testing. Rotary chair evaluates the vestibulo-ocular reflex and aids in the diagnosis of bilateral vestibular loss. Rotary chair gives information on central compensation of a unilateral vestibular loss
  • VEMP, vestibular evoked myogenic potential | BalanceMD - VEMP is a test which analyzes the inferior portion of the vestibular nerve and is quite helpful in the diagnosis of superior canal dehiscence syndrome, inferior division vestibular neuritis, and confirming bilateral vestibular loss.
  • Vestibular Diseases treatable | BalanceMD - Causes for dizziness and vertigo, identify the cause and cure the symptoms. Most 'dizzy' patients are suffering from migraine. BPPV is also a curable cause of dizziness, vertigo and balance problems.
  • Vestibular Migraine common cause dizziness | Balance MD - Vestibular migraine, migraine-associated dizziness, is the most common cause, yet the most under recognized cause of dizziness. Variable in it's presentation and can be difficult to diagnose.
  • BPPV positional vertigo easily cured | BalanceMD - BPPV is caused by otoliths or 'ear rocks' which have made their way into a semicircular canal in the inner ear. Several forms of BPPV exist and we have specific head maneuvers which are known to cure each type of BPPV.
  • Vestibular Neuritis peripheral vestibular disorder | Balance MD - Vestibular Neuritis an inflammatory condition results in damage to inner ear nerve, causing vertigo, usually lasting hours, then slowly improving over time. This type of vertigo responds to vestibular rehabilitation.
  • Labyrinthitis, vertigo, hearing loss | BalanceMD - Labyrinthitis is an inflammatory condition of the inner ear nerve that results in the sudden onset of vertigo and hearing loss. Vertigo resolves over hours, but dizziness persists. Dizziness and balance improve with vestibular rehabilitation.
  • Meniere's, vertigo, hearing loss | BalanceMD - Meniere's Syndrome is a disorder of fluid regulation in the inner ear and results in episodes of vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, and aural fullness, usually lasting 2-3 hours. Low salt diet and a diuretic are often often recommended.
  • Acoustic Neuroma | BalanceMD - Acoustic Neuroma may cause dizziness, balance problems and hearing loss. MRI is diagnostic.
  • Bilateral Vestibular Loss - bilateral vestibular loss may be due to gentamicin toxicity, meniere's, vestibular neuritis, acoustic neuroma, autoimmune inner ear disease, and diagnosed by caloric and rotary chair
  • Superior Canal Dehiscence causes dizziness, vertigo | BalanceMD - Superior canal dehiscence syndrome is caused by loss of bone overlying the superior semicircular canal of the inner ear. Symptoms of dizziness or vertigo are often brought on by loud noises or changes in pressure.
  • Balance Disorders | BalanceMD - There are many causes for balance disorders. Balance disorders may be classified according to type of gait or neuroanatomic location
  • NPH | BalanceMD - NPH or normal pressure hydrocephalus is a neurologic disorder causing abnormal gait, dementia and incontinence.
  • Audiology, Audiologists Michelle Koley, Sandy Bratton | BalanceMD - Audiologic testing is performed at BalanceMD by Audiologist Michelle Koley and Sandy Bratton. Michelle and Sandy also dispense hearing aids.
  • hearing aids, technology advancements | BalanceMD - Remarkable advances in hearing aid technology have occurred just over the past few years. Hearing aids are now like small, personal computers. Take an online hearing test.
  • Hearing Aid Technology - hearing aid technology has advanced, includes digital processing, feedback control, noise suppression, directional microphones, and bluetooth

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  • y.y. - Is it a special clay??

    So, my skin is finally starting to clear up after 6wks of using clay mask. The reason why I give only three stars is because I don't know if lerosett mask is any different than regular facial clay mask which you can get for much much cheaper.. After the 5th week of using lerosett, my skin was still having many white heads, and the tube had only 1/5 left. I was debating to order next shipment or not. I didn't wanna be a fool to pay so much more money if the tube was simply just a clay and water(which it is, but the clay supposed to be specially heat treated),and I also had a thought(or doubt) of that if you put this kind of effort like putting a mask every night, any mask could the job?? So I decided to try the regular facial clay mask which I've bought long time ago at health food store for a few $$. It's been 5 days since I switched to the regular clay, I still apply it every night. And it might be too early to say, however my skin is now clearing up. i know it's too early to decide if the regular clay mask is doing the job or the 5wks of using lerosett finally paying off now. I will update in the future how the regular clay is working on my skin. I think I'll thank lerosett for giving me an idea of putting a clay mask every night, and also motivating me for it. I've have acne problem for almost 20years, and I've tried soooo many different products. now my skin seems getting clear w/o using any harsh chemicals, so I'm pretty happy. However, you never know when acne comes back. that's how acne is so annoying.. one day you think your skin is finally clearing up and next day you wake up with 5 new I'll make sure to update in the future. Oh, one more reason I like the regular clay better besides the cost performance is that I can use warm water to prepare the clay so that pores stay open, on the other hand, lerosett mask is already ready to use, you squeeze out of tube and the mask is pretty cold on the skin, pores might be closing up as you are applying..

  • Jerry Lee Gothong - theres better models

    I got this for traveling use. I have the higher model to use at home which I love so much. But I didn't want to spend so much money for something and might break while traveling. It still does the job. Just doesn't cut as close and doesn't pivot a well.

  • Bradley Williams - I highly recommend it

    Within the first thirty minutes of getting this book, it saved me a lot of money on the amount of taxes owed. I would definitely recommend it to anybody who has to pay taxes. Even if you have a professional do your taxes, I would still tell you to get this book,

  • neoharra - okay ... but

    My 1000sq.ft. home is built on a cement slab and surrounded by fifty ft. high pine trees. consequently it is very damp. I placed three Damp Rid bags and one small canister around my house and within a few days they were full of water, proving their excellent ability to remove moisture ... however, the package stated that the product is safe for pets. THIS IS NOT TRUE!!! Within three days, my miniature poodle began to cough and vomit a white foam containing fine crystals. My vet said it was definitely from inhaling the vapor from the Damp Rid bags and gave him a shot. I took the bags down and threw them out and within three days, my dogs coughing and vomiting stopped, but he has refused to eat anything since then, three days now. Obviously his throat is irritated. PLEASE, if you have pets, be careful of where and how many of the Damp Rid bags you use.

  • Gordon A.McNeill - BUYER BEWARE Quicken Premier 2014

    Finally decided to upgrade from Quicken Premier 2011, but failed to read the reviews (that will never happen again). I've been a Quicken User since mid 1970's and never had a complaint with the product, as a matter of fact I've highly recommended it to others many times. However, with this upgrade all I can say is BEWARE BUYER. I purchased Quicken Premier 2014 as a download from and after backing up my 2011 version, thank God I did that, I installed QP 2014. It uninstalled QP 2011, converted my files and opened QP 2014. My data file is fairly large, because I track my investments and have been since late 1970's, but conversion went well and it, the program, proceeded to download some program updates. After everything was done I entered my first transaction, hit enter and OOPS!! Sorry Quicken has encountered a problem and must close, sorry for the inconvenience (Nice touch). Tried restarting program, which as a side has an annoying blue/gray flashing screen as it starts, and is extremely slow at opening (almost one minute on my system), entered a transaction, hit enter "Sorry, Quicken has encountered a problem and must close", rebooted system tried again same thing; rebooted entering safe mode, same thing; disabled all start up programs & services tried again, same thing. I even sent Quicken, per request of FAQ similar to mine, Windows Error, Crash & Dump reports, not a word back from them by the way. After a week of uninstalling, reinstalling and everything else I could think of, I called Quicken; they were very polite in letting me know that they know of the problem, and are working on a solution, and hope to have it resolved soon, hopefully in my life time. (Why not pull the program from distribution until the KNOWN PROBLEM is Resolved?) They gave me a link to a work around solution, it didn't work by the way, and said they would contact me with a solution as soon as it was available, it's been about 1-1/2 months and I have heard NOTHING from them . I called and referenced the ticket number they gave me and again was reassured they were working on the problem and would soon have it resolved and again referred me to the same work around link that didn't work the first time. When I asked for a refund they said, since I purchased it as a download from, and not from them they couldn't do that; and Amazons' policy is not to refund purchase price on downloaded programs, which is understandable. I guess that's a $70.00 mistake that will never happen again.

  • Basso Continuo - works!

    After using this system for a week or two, there was noticeably less hair in my brush. Interesting, but nice, smell.